How to create your first course on Study24x7? - Study24x7
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How to create your first course on Study24x7?

Updated on 17 March 2023
21 min read 110 views
Updated on 17 March 2023

Follow these steps to join:

STEP 1 - Open the Study 24x7 website( )

STEP 2 - Register for a free Study24x7 account.

You can also register through your Facebook or Google Account.

STEP 3 - Select your Educational Interests from 50+ Entries in Govt jobs, Competitive exams and K12 and more!

Create a Page on Study24x7:

In order to create a course you have to first create a page. Follow the steps below to create a page:

STEP 1 - Click on ‘Create A Page’ on your Study24x7 homepage or news feed page. It’s located under Pages on the left side, under My Pages.

Alternately, go to Courses. You will be prompted to first create a page and then publish a course on the same page.

STEP 2 - Once you click on ‘Create a page’, you will be prompted by a pop-up - whether you want to do this action as an organisation or as an individual.

STEP 3 - After you make your choice, you would receive an option to enter the name of your Page (Page title).

STEP 4 - Next, add an interest from the options given. These options include Engineering, Medical, Commerce, Law, Media & Journalism, Sciences, Arts, B.COM, BCA, B.SC/IT, B.SC/CS, BA/MATHS, MCA etc. You can choose more than one option here.

Reference Video

Create a Course on your page:

Once you have created your page, click on Create a Course, either through the homepage (your news feed) or on your page.

In order to create a course simply follow these steps:

I) Course Creation

II) Course Details

III) Pricing and Settings

IV) Course Contents

V) Review and Publish

I) Course creation:

Let's begin with the basics. Provide a suitable title/name for your course here. Next, choose your Course type. The options that are available are Regular Course, Course and Stream and Regular Streaming.

Option 1 - Regular Course: This consists of recorded videos, quizzes, mock tests and other study materials.

Option 2 - Course & Stream: This is our recommended options to the educators. In this course type, you can do live streams as well as use all the features of a regular course. This will help you provide Live Classes, Videos on Demand, Recorded Videos and other study materials to your students.

Option 3 - Regular Streaming - This option allows you to provide LIVE classes to your students allowing you to take teaching outside the boundaries of a classroom. Interact & Engage with your students and solve their doubts using features like real time chat.

II) Course Details

Here, as a Study24x7 educator, you can add specific details for your course. These would include the course description, language and course level.

III) Pricing and Settings

Courses on the Study24x7 platform can be free or paid. Educators are requested to add price points and course validity details here. The options that are available here are:

Validity: From days to unlimited validity

Price: You can set your price for the course. You need to provide actual as well as discounted price.

Is the course renewable/downloadable?

Is the course eligible for discounts on Study24x7?

You can also choose to include trial content in your course here. The three types of trial content that you can include are: Lifetime Trial Content, Valid by Days & Limited by Start Date

IV) Course Contents

This is where you can put all the course content. The course is organised into multiple sections. You can add your study materials by uploading recorded videos, PDFs, and quizzes. You can add multiple sections to organize your course as per your need.

V) Review and Publish

Once you have added all the course material you can preview your course and send it for review to our course quality team. Once approved, your course will be made live on our platform. and now you can start teaching online

In case you have any queries you can reach us at:

Email -

Phone - 9582035252

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs):

Q. Can I teach a course on any topics?

A. You are free to choose the topic you wish to teach on Study24x7. Please refer to the list of interests that we have (50+ and growing) in order to have an idea of topics on which you can create courses.

Q. Can I teach a course in a vernacular language?

A. Currently we only have options for course creation in Hindi or English. We will be adding other languages soon.

Q. What are the minimum requirements for creating a course?

A. The minimum requirements for creating a course are listed below:

Hardware: You will need a PC/Laptop with a decent configuration.

Software: You will need basic software like MS Office. You can create the course on a web browser like Chrome or Safari.

Internet: You will need a high speed broadband internet connection to upload videos and do live streaming.

Q. Can I create my course on a mobile device?

A. No, currently we do not have the option of creating a course using a mobile phone. You need a PC/Laptop for that. However, once you have created a course on your computer and if your course contains Live Streams, you can use your mobile to do Live Streams.

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